News About Lawrence Associates
- • Media Interviews and Citations
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- • Presentations, Webcasts, Audio Files
- • Articles and White Papers

Webinars on Nonprofit Executive Compensation
- Lindalee Lawrence spoke on Private Foundation Executive Compensation at the PKF O’Connor Davies 9th Annual Private Foundations Executive Symposium, December 6, 2016, Yale Club of New York City. See copy of presentation.
- Lindalee Lawrence spoke at the 2016 Annual National Conference for Growing Community Foundations, Wichita, Kansas on October 17-18, 2016. See copy of presentation.
- Ms. Lawrence presented a webinar for National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers in May 2016.
- Ms. Lawrence presented on "Hiring Great Staff" at the National Exponent Philanthropy (formerly Assoc. of Small Foundations) Conference, October 30 - November 1,2014, Washington, DC.
- View our webinar on The Mystery of Interpreting Surveys and Market Pricing Jobs by Kelvin Whitley for at
- View our webinar on Foundation Compensation:\FoundComp.wmv (Works best with Internet Explorer)
- See our presentation on "When Lean/CI Comes to Your Organization, Can Compensation and HR Practices Be Far Behind?" October 10, 2012. See our presentation on Non-Profit Executive Compensation: Is it Time to be Innovative?, September 11, 2012. View our page on Lean initiatives and resources for Human Resources.
- Download the August 25, 2010 Webinar, Executive Compensation, Wage and Salary and Incentive Design in the New Economy, .pdf or view the video of the webinar.
- See our three presentations on nursing compensation in New York (4/6/11), Connecticut (3/25/11) and Massachusetts (9/12/10).
Media Interviews and Citations
- Lindalee Lawrence was quoted by Bloomberg in August 2017, Boston College Endowment Shifts to Wall Street-Style Pay Package
- Lindalee Lawrence completed MIT Professional Education's highly rated course on "Tackling the Challenges of Big Data."
- Lindalee Lawrence was quoted in the Chronicle of Philanthropy's 2014 Annual Executive Compensation Review, "As the Economy Heats Up, Nonprofit CEOs See Pay Rise," and "Some Former CEOs Still Have Lucrative Deals at Nonprofits".
- Office of the State Auditor, Massachusetts, Lawrence Associates' wage and salary design project was high profile, public and reviewed in a Boston Globe editorial .
- Lindalee Lawrence quoted in Boston Herald, December 27, 2012, "Pay raises are in short supply in coming year"; Indianapolis Star, December 14, 2012, "Gov. Daniels to quadruple salary as Purdue president".
- Lindalee Lawrence quoted in Boston Business Journal, November 9, 2012, "Hospitals' million dollar salaries". Lawrence Associates contributes to Boston Globe compensation analysis, November 12, 2012. Boston Globe Editorial supports Auditor Bump and Lawrence Associates' findings, July 6, 2012.
- Lawrence quoted in Modern Healthcare's August 2011 annual review of executive compensation - "Feeling the squeeze, Healthcare execs see smaller raises overall, but some still net strong increases while others lose ground," by Joe Carlson.
Lawrence interviewed on executive compensation by Bill Atkinson of The Federal Credit Union Magazine, April 12, 2011.
Lawrence interviewed in Cincinnati Business Courier, James Ritchie, March 18, 2011. "The hospital industry's rapid changes, including consolidation stemming from health-care reform mean demand is high for adept leaders, and hospitals are willing to pay to lure them, said Lindalee Lawrence, CEO of the Wellesley, Mass.-based compensation-consulting firm Lawrence Associates. If anything, there may be a shortage of high-quality up-and-coming executives, she said, because it's a difficult job.
- BNA Daily Tax Report Quotes Lawrence Associates in "IRS Audits Harvard, Other Universities in Probe of Exempt Purpose Rules" by Diane Freda, March 26, 2010. In the article Lawrence commented on the executive compensation implications of audits. The article notes that according to former IRS Exempt Organizations Director Marcus Owens, now an attorney with Caplin & Drysdale, a review of compensation has now become a staple of every audit of an exempt organization.
- Lawrence Associates' Innovative Compensation Consulting Featured on NPR's All Things Considered - Employee Engagement, Profitability and Increased Pay in a Tough Economy.
- Lee Shearer, March 28, 2010, "Top salary cuts at UGA a popular call, but could it cost?", Athens Banner-Herald.
- January 18, 2010, "Gee's $1.6 million pay leads pack of public university presidents", The Columbus Dispatch.
- Lee Shearer, January 1, 2010, "Adams top in tenure, but not pay", Athens Banner-Herald
- Joe Carlson, April 27, 2009, "Some Hefty Paydays," Modern Healthcare (May require free registration to view entire article).
- June 2009, "Find Out What New Hampshire's Top CEOs Earn", BusinessNH Magazine.
- Steve Adams, June 13, 2009, "No Recession for CEOs," The Patriot Ledger.
- Nancy Reardon, March 14, 2009, "Nonprofit Executive's Pay Under Higher Scrutiny," The Patriot Ledger.
- Editorial "Tone deaf on Beacon Hill", The Medfield Press, March 26, 2009; The MetroWest Daily News, March 22, 2009; The Patriot Ledger, March 14, 2009; Brockton Enterprise, March 21, 2009.
- John Andrews, "IRS eyes transparency in executive compensation," Healthcare Finance News, August 1, 2008.
- John Rossheim, Monster Senior Contributing Writer, "2008 Healthcare Salary Outlook" "Years ago, compensation for healthcare workers was rising 6, 8 [and] 10 percent per year," says Lindalee Lawrence, president of compensation consultants Lawrence Associates in Wellesley, Massachusetts. "Now we're seeing 3.5 percent to 4 percent increases."
- Elyas Bakhtiari, "Step 6: Communicate, phase-in plan to ensure smooth implementation," Physician Compensation Report.
- Red Flags:When to Probe Deeper on Executive Compensation, What are the red flags that should alert a board or compensation committee to pay closer attention? We asked three compensation consultants: Jim Rohan, Vice President and Managing Director, Sullivan, Cotter and Associates, Chicago, IL; David Bjork, PhD, Managing Director at Clark Consulting, Minneapolis, MN; and Lindalee Lawrence, President of Lawrence Associates, Wellesley, MA. Great Boards, Winter 2006.
- Nora Caley, "Hiring Yourself: Finding Marketing Staff", Healthcare Marketing Report, December 2006.
- Elyas Bakhtiari, "Study sheds light on benefits of disclosing docs' financial incentives to patients," Physician Compensation Report, Vol. 7 No. 5, May 2006.
- David Epstein, "Stanford's Lucky Lunch," Inside Higher Ed News, October 27, 2005.
- "Hall goals unclear, bonuses high: Convention execs' guidelines obscure," Boston Herald, November 17, 2003.
- "Job-cutting CEOs cashing in, study finds," Boston Herald, August 26, 2003.
- "Report faults ARMC, Commissioner: Execs overpaid; county misled," Athens Banner-Herald, August 9, 2002.
- "Hospital boss lands big raise," Cambridge Chronicle, MA, August 28, 1997.
- "Finding Phelps' pay below standard, BHS eyes raise," The Berkshire Eagle, MA, October 1, 1996.
- "Pay healthy for hospital CEOs," The Patriot Ledger, MA, September, 1996.
- "CEO pay at hospitals a complex riddle," The Home News, NJ, April 2, 1995.
- "Boston hospital chiefs got healthy pay in '92," Boston Globe, August 19, 1993.
Lindalee Lawrence's chapter on executive compensation and wage and salary administration in Aspen Publisher's Health Care Human Resources Administration Manual by Ken Kruger. Updated annually. 2007 Winner of the ASHHRA Communication Award.
Presentations, Webcasts and Audio Files
Lawrence Associates presented on “Salary Structure Design for HR: Keys to the Most Successful Pay Programs”, Wednesday, September 16, 2015. Sponsored by Business & Legal Resources ( and HR Hero (
- Ms. Lawrence presented on Lean in HR at the Annual Northeast Shingo Prize Conference, September 2013. View our page on Lean initiatives for Human Resources.
- Download Part I slides as a .pdf or listen to the webinar. When listening, please move the cursor to 4 minutes or wait for the presentation to begin. Download Part II slides as a .pdf or listen to the webinar.
- On December 2, 2008, Ms. Lawrence spoke on Executive Compensation at AHHRA NorMet.
- Lindalee Lawrence spoke at the Annual Meeting of Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State on "Trends in Executive Compensation and Wage and Salary Administration, October 20, 2008.
- On October 15, 2008, Ms. Lawrence spoke on "New News in Executive Compensation and Wage and Salary Administration" along with Mr. Ken Kruger and Ms. Danielle Robbins, who spoke on the topics of Employee Engagement Strategies and HR Metrics at the Nassau Suffolk Hospital Council.
- Lindalee A. Lawrence, speaker, HANYS (Hospital Association of New York State) Benefits Services, "Trends in Compensation: Holding Your Own at the C Table or as a Compensation Analyst", June 5, 2005.
- "Managing Compensation in a Community College" with Peter Akeke of Massasoit Community College, May 2005.
- "Compensating Museum Management and Staff: What is Fair and Reasonable?" Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums, October 17, 2004, includes a survey sponsored by MAAM and MANY (New York) and Report published on their websites.
- "Current Trends in Healthcare Compensation," AHHRA of Greater NY, March 19, 2004.
- "Emerging Trends in Senior Care Executive Compensation Practices - How Important It Is to Senior Care Trustees, CEOs and Management", Association of Jewish Aging Services, March 1, 2004.
- New England Healthcare Assembly, Healthcare Trustee Institute: Lawrence Associates spoke on Executive Compensation at the 24th Annual Trustee Conference November 13-14, 2003.
- "Compensation Trends in Higher Education," Southern New England College and University Professional Association for HR, January-February, 2003.
- "What Finance Staff Should Know About Compensation" and "What HR Staff Should Know About Executive Compensation", Private Voluntary Organizations, June 2002.
- Lindalee A. Lawrence, speaker, "The Impact of Executive Compensation Disclosure: Labor Relations, Trustees and the Public", Connecticut Hospital Association, August 1991.
Articles and White Papers
- Lindalee A. Lawrence, "Are Our Physicians Compensated Fairly?" Consultant's Corner, MHHRA News, Spring 1999.
- Lindalee A. Lawrence, Stephen R. Laverty, Barbara J. Hogan" Designing an Incentive Compensation Program that Works", Healthcare Financial Management, January 1998. Winner of the American Society of Healthcare Human Resources Administration's (ASHHRA's) 1999 Communication Award.
- Lindalee A. Lawrence, "Market for Healthcare Marketers, Strategists and Communicators Favors Promotion from Within", September/October 2003, Spectrum
- Lindalee A. Lawrence, Donald T. Sagolla and Stephen R. Laverty, "Executive Compensation in the Healthcare Industry", Healthcare Financial Management, July 1989.
- Lindalee A. Lawrence, "Efficiency Saves Health Care Dollars", Industry, October 1982.
- Lindalee A. Lawrence and James Klopper, "A Study of Cancer Insurance", Research and Education, Massachusetts Division of Insurance, May 29, 1979. Published in U.S. House Select Committee on Aging, Cancer Insurance: Exploiting Fear for Profit (An Examination of Dread Disease Insurers) Comm. Pub. No. 96-202, Washington, March 25, 1980.
- See Lawrence testimony before Missouri Division of Insurance
- Lindalee A. Lawrence, Associate Director, Research and Education, Pamphlet developed by Research and Education Department, "Insuring Your Health: A Guide to Buying and Using Health Insurance Policies", Massachusetts Division of Insurance, 1978.